A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | |
Title | First Name | Last Name | Position | Address | Telephone (+359) | Fax (+3592) | PoS-Bulgaria | ||
1 | Prof. Dr. | Ivan | Lalov | President of the Union of Physicists in Bulgaria, Uni.- Sofia, Faculty of Physics | Sofia-1164, Blvd. James Bourchier 5 Union of the Pisysists in Bulgaria | + 2 627-660;
+ 2 687 267; +2 62 56684 |
+2 9625 276 | upb@phys.uni-sofia.bg | BG-NSC
2 | Acad. Prof. Dr. | Wenzeslav | Andrejtscheff | Academician, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy | Sofia-1784, Tzarigrad Chaussee 72, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy | + 2 7144 618,
+2 75 00 86 |
+2 9753 619 | andre@inrne.bas.bg | |
3 | Acad. Prof. Dr. | Stoicho | Panchev | Academician, Sofia University, Faculty of Physics, Dept. of Meteorology, | Sofia-1164, Blvd. James Bourchier 5 Faculty of Physics, Uni. Sofia | + 2 68 13 94 | +2 9625 276 | spanchev@phys.uni-sofia.bg | |
4 | Acad. Prof. Dr. | Peter | Kenderov | Academician, President of the Foundation "Sts Kiril and Metodi", Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Inst. of Mathemetics | Sofia -1113, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. B Institute of Mathematics, BAS | +2 73 26 70 | +2 97136 49 | pkend@math.bas.bg | |
5 | Acad. Prof. Dr. | Dimitar | Mishev | Academician, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Head of Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory | Sofia-1113, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl.3 Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory, BAS | +2 700 229;
+2 979 33 50 |
+2 700 178 | mishev@stil.acad.bg | |
6 | Prof. Dr. | Julian | Burov | Parliament of Bulgaria, Member of the Commission for Sciences and Education | Sofia-1000, Narodno Sabranie, Parliament of Bulgaria | + 2 920 11 70 | 474bur@nt52.parliament.bg | ||
7 | Prof. Dr. | Hristo | Balarev | Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria | Sofia-1000, 2A, Kniaz Dondukov Blvd. Ministry of Education and Science | +2 988 15 85 | +2 988 044;
+2 981 2182 |
balarew@ipchp.ipc.bas.bg |
8 | Mrs. | Elka | Zlatkova | Expert of Physics, Ministry of Science and Education | Sofia-1000, Graf Ignatiev Str 15 Inspectorat of Education, MES | +2 986 15 94 | +2 9870 418 | intcoopx@minedu.govrn.bg | |
9 | Prof. Dr. | Ventsislav | Panchev | Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria | Sofia-1000, 2A, Kniaz Dondukov Blvd. Ministry of Education and Science | +2 987 79 29 | +2 988 0494 | intcoop@minedu.govrn.bg | |
10 | Assist. Prof. Dr. | Robert | Poppitz | Deputy Chairman, Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes | Sofia-1574, Shipchenski prokhod Str. 69 CUAEPP | +2 9406 802 | +2 9406 919 | robert@bnsa.bas.bg | |
11 | Prof. Dr. | Nicola | Sabotinov | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Vice- President Institute of Solid State Physics | Sofia ?1040, 15 November Str. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | +2 987 73 18;
+2 75 60 09 |
+2 81-66-29;
+2 80-32-06 |
vicepres@eagle.cu.acad.bg | |
12 | Prof. Dr. | Boyan | Djakov | Member of the Executive Council of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Sofia-1784, 72 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. , Institute of Electronic, BAS | +2 7144574 | +2 9753 201 | boyan@ie.bas.bg | |
13 | Ass. Prof. Dr. | Alexander | Vavrek | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Secretary of Physics Branch | Sofia-1040, 15 November Str. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | +2 875 819 | +2981-66-29;
+2 80-32-06 |
vavrek@eagle.cu.bas.bg | EC |
14 | Prof. Dr. | Dimitar | Pushkarov | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Solid State Physics, Editor of Sc. Journal ?Science? | Sofia- 1784, 72 arigradsko Shose Blvd.,Institute of Solid State Physics, BAS | +2 7144 608 | +2 975 3632 | dipushk@issp.bas.bg | |
15 | Prof. Dr. | Matey | Mateev | Bulgarian delegate CERN Council Head Dept Theor. Physics, Faculty of Physics, Univ. of Sofia. | Sofia-1164, Blvd. James Bourchier No.5 Faculty of Physics, Uni. Sofia | +2 69 2938 | +2 9625 276 | mateev@phys.uni-sofia.bg | EC |
16 | Prof. Dr. | Nashan | Ahababian | General Sekretary of the High Attestaiio Commission of Bulgaria, | Sofia-1784, Blvd. Tsarigradsko Shose 72, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energetic | +2 540 476,
+2 7144 251 |
+2 975 36 19 | nahababian@vak.bglink.net | |
17 | Prof. Dr. | Jordan | Stamenov | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Director, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy | Sofia-1784, Tsarigrad Chaussee 72, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy | +2 974 37 61; 7144 616 | +2 975 36 19 | jstamen@inrne.bas.bg | |
18 | Prof. Dr. | Nicola | Balabanov | Dean, Physic Faculty, University of Plovdiv | Plovdiv - 4000, Tzar Assen Str.24 Physic Faculty, University of Plovdiv | +32 233 496; 2615(282) | +32 635-049 | pduniv@uni-plovdiv.bg | |
19 | Prof. Dr. | Alexander | Petrov | Director, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Sofia - 1784, Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | +2 975 36 32
+2 7144 371 |
+2 975 3619 | agpetrov@issp.bas.bg | |
20 | Prof. Dr. | Borislav | Slavov | Dean, Physic Faculty, University of Sofia | Sofia-1164, 5 James Bourchier Blvd. Faculty of Physics, Uni. Sofia | +2 628 081;
622 446 |
+2 9625 276 | slavov@phys.uni-sofia.bg | |
21 | Assist. Prof. Dr | Plamen | Fiziev | Deputy Dean, Physic Faculty, University of Sofia | Sofia-1164, 5 James Bourchier Blvd. Faculty of Physics, Uni. Sofia | +2 626 271;
6256 839 |
+2 9625 276 | fiziev@phys.uni-sofia.bg | EC |
22 | Ass. Porf. Dr. | Milcho | Tsvetkov | Project Scientists, Sky Archive Data Center, Institute of Astronomy, BAS | Sofia-1784, Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd., SSADC, Institute of Astronomy, BAS | +2 7144 450; 9744835 | +2 730831 | tsvetkov@skyarchive.org | ISC Contact |
23 | Ass. Prof. Dr. | Antonia | Shivarova | Vice- President of the Union of Physicists in Bulgaria, Uni.- Sofia, Faculty of Physics | Sofia-1164, 5 James Bourchier Blvd. Faculty of Physics, Uni. Sofia | +2 62 56 645 | +2 9625 276 | ashiva@phys.uni-sofia.bg | EC |
24 | Ass. Prof. Dr. | Valeri | Golev | Deputy Head of the Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics | Sofia-1164, 5 James Bourchier Blvd. Faculty of Physics, Uni. Sofia | +2 66 23 24 | +2 9625 276 | valgol@phys.uni-sofia.bg | EC |
25 | Ass. Prof. Dr. | Dimitar | Jordanov | Head of the Department, Space Research Institute, BAS | Sofia-1000, Moskovska Str. 6, Space Research Institute, BAS | +2 770 305 | jordanov@space.acad.bg | EC | |
26 | Ass. Prof. Dr. | Georgi | Stanev | Head of the Department Space Research Institute, BAS | Sofia-1000, Moskovska Str. 6, Space Research Institute, BAS | +2 97934,
+2 700 570 |
gstanev@space.acad.bg | EC | |
27 | Ass. Prof. Dr. | Hristo | Popov | Head of Department, Physic Faculty, University of Sofia | Sofia -1164, 5 James Bourchier Blvd. Faculty of Physics, Uni. Sofia | +2 6256 657 | cpopov@phys.uni-sofia.bg | ||
28 | Ass. Prof. Dr. | Ludmil | Vatskichev | Head of Dept.Radiophysics and Electronics, Physics Faculty, Univ. of Sofia | Sofia - 1164, 5 James Bourchie Blvd. Faculty of Physics, Uni. Sofia | +2 687 329;
+2 6256 630 |
lyuvats@phys.uni-sofia.bg | EC | |
29 | Ass. Prof. Dr. | Vasil | Andreev | Head of Department National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology | Sofia -1784, Tsarigradsko Shose 66 National Inst. of Meteorology and Hidrology | +2 975 35 91 | +2 8803 80 | ||
30 | Mr. | Ivan | Ivanov | Director, Varna Astronomical Observatory | Varna-9000 , P.Box. 120 Astronomical Observatory | +52 222 890 | canopus@varna.acad.bg | ||
31 | Mr. | Teodosi | Teodosiev | Teacher Nature and Mathematical Gymnasium of Kazanlak | Kazanlak - Nature and Mathemetical Gimnasium | +431 2 38 41 | |||
32 | Mr. | Petar | Stefanov | Firm Manager Honored Member of the Union of Physicists of Bulgaria | +2 750 221 | ||||
33 | Mrs. | Penka | Lazarova | Secretary of Journal ?Science? Union of Scientists of Bulgaria | Sofia -1505, Blvd. Madrid 39 Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, ?Science? | +2 943 3022;
+2 44 55 61 |
+ 2 944 15 90 | science@bitex.com | |
34 | Mrs. | Elegia | Teodosieva | Expert of Physics, Ministery of Education and Science | Sofia-1000, 2A, Kniaz Dondukov Blvd. Ministry of Education and Science | +2 988 0125 | + 2 988 2485 | e.teodosieva@minedu.govrn.bg |
Last update: 03/02/2000
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