Dear Dr. Tsvetkov*,
Following our earlier correspondence of 17th November 1999, we are now pleased to inform you that the EC contract for the Physics on Stage programme is being prepared for signature by the three initiating organisations ESO/ESA/CERN and the European Commission DGXII.
We take this opportunity to send you several copies of the printed version of the description of this unique, exciting and novel programme. As stated in our earlier letter, we very much hope that a National Steering Committee for Physics on Stage will soon be established in your country. To facilitate this we attach a list of people, yourself included, who have been approached in your country.
We very much hope that you will be able to Join this programme personally. In the event that you are unable to support the Physics on Stage initiative, we would kindly request that you forward this package to whomever you consider appropriate and inform us of your choice of candidate accordingly.
Finally, please note that the first important task of the National Steering Committee will be to draw up a provisional Physics on Stage programme in your country. As the project description reiterates, a response from the NSC's is required by the end of January 2000. A timely response will ensure effective inclusion for all parties and will leave sufficienttime to develop the programme. Please find attached a list of all the persons that have been approached previously as well as those included in this present mailing. In the short time that has passed since our initial communication some direct contacts have already been established which are indicated by an asterix on the attached list.
End January you will also receive a document or a videotape presenting concrete examples of the kind of performances which will be presented during the Physics on stage event in November 2000 at CERN.
Yours sincerely,
Prof Frank Close (CERN), Prof. Wubbo Ockels (ESA), Dr. Richard West (ESO)
Ciovis de Matos
Physics on Stage Executive Coordinator
ESA-ESTEC, Postbus 2992200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Tel (31) 71 565 5518-Fax (31) 71 565 5590
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