1.0 Main national events:
4th Conference of Balkan Physics Union - Veliko Tarnovo, August 22-27, 2000.
National Event - Physics on Stage , Sofia University, October 15-20, 2000.
Preparation for the participation in the PoS Main Event in CERN
2.0 PoS activities in Bulgaria
Bibliography of Bulgarian Physics from the beginning of
this century.
(Physics Faculty, Department of Atomic Physics: D. Hristov,
Ts. Buzova et al.)
11th International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, September 3-8, 2000 (A.Vavrek, A. Petrov)
11th International School on Quantum Electronics – Laser Physics and Applications, September 18-22, 2000 (S. Kartaleva, I. Kolev)
Scientific and public observations of the interesting astronomical events
2.2 Educational Activities
List of Bulgarian Physics Units in Bulgaria (T. Fizieva, N. Sabotinov)
4 March lectures on Contemporary Physics in the FF Uni- Sofia (E. Zlatkova)
July lectures on Contemporary Physics in the FF Uni- Sofia. (E. Zlatkova)
Influence on the Men of Physical Factors with Small Intensities.
FOCOS XXII, 23-25 June 2000, Gulechitsa (A. Popov)
Varna observatory activities:Teachers course and seminar:
(This program started in December 1999: responsible for this activities is P. Fiziev)
JANUARY: Promotion of a booklet advertising the Faculty
of Physics
FEBRUARY- MARCH: Lectures given by University professors
at the schools for the public and the country
APRIL: Public visits of the Faculty of Physics: all departments
are opened for a public
MAY: Second scientific meeting, Presentation of the departments
(history and current research), Exhibition; Official closing of the program.
2.4 High Colleges, Gymnasiums and Secondary School Activities
National Olympiad on Astronomy (4-5 April , Varna- Iv. Ivanov, V. Golev, Teodosieva)
26th Astronomical Conference in Varna:1-4 April 2000(with international participants) – I. Ivanov, V. Radeva, E. Bozhurova
VARNA PoS Program in Education:
- For students
a) Lectures during the traditional weeks for sciences
and technology in the schools
b) Astronomical performances included in the feasts marking
the end of the school year for 1-4-grade students
- For children
Astronomy in the nursery school: tales, rhymes, drawing
and modelling the cosmic bodies, astronomical feasts at the end of the
school year in May.
- Competitions:
a) Astronomical/science fiction picture (1 - 8 grade
b) Program illustrating a theme from the physics and
astronomy lessons on students’ own choice
- International Olympiad on Astronomy ( 1-10 October,
Smolyan, (Teodosieva, V. Golev, T. Nacheva, I. Ivanov ) 120 participants
- National Olympiad on Physics: (20-21 May, St. Zagora
- Teodosieva)
- National Competitions on Physics : Spring 2000: 31.03
-01.04, Plovdiv, (Teodosieva), 120 participants, Fall 2000: 26-27.10 120
- National School for children with special interest
in physics and astronomy, Sofia 7-12.02, 2000 and St. Zagora, 1-10.07.
2000 (Teodosieva)
- 27-th National Conference of Young Astronomers: 3-4.April,
2000, Varna, 150 participants (Iv. Ivanov, Theodosieva)
- Regional competition (tournament) for young physicists:
Soumen, January - July 2000 (Teodosieva, I. Iliev, and
D. Kiurkchieva)
- Four Regional Schools on Physics for Children: Kazanlak,
Pleven, Kurdzhaly and Veliko Tarnovo (up to July 15th 2000,
Teodosieva and more)
2.5 Popularization of Physics:
Open doors of the physics institutes of BAN (E. Zlatkova)
Preparation of separate materials about the achievement of the Bulgarian physics and partially with Europe/World Physics (N. Sabotinov, BAS)
Preparation of exhibition dedicated to physics achievement (Sabotinov, Teodosiev, Lazarova, D. Ivanov- Plovdiv)
Public lectures of famous Bulgarian physicists: N Balabanov, I. Lalov, M. Mateev, St. Kartaleva (P.Lazarova)
Competitions on: entertaining experiment, problems, demonstrations, and attractive lecture on Physics (T. Teodosiev)
Discussions for mid school on the problem of Physics in the modern society (E. Zlateva)
Varna Observatory discussions with local educational authorities:
- about the physics and astronomy education in the European
Union, Central and East European countries, USA, Japan, etc.
- about the importance of the natural sciences for the
modern technological progress.
3.0 Media activities (TV presentations, Newspaper reports)
Presentations connected with the PoS on the national TV.
Preparation of the poster of the BGNSC of PoS_Bulgaria
Recording the most important event of the PoS on video (Video film for PoS in Bulgaria)
Publications of invited lectures of famous Bulgarian physicists:
Y. Burov: Optical interferomerty – an instrument for
searching the gravitational waves and new window for the mankind to the
Prize of the best paper in the Bulgarian press on PoS
(P. Lazarova)
Prize of the best activities for school teachers on PoS
(P.Fiziev, A. Petrov)
Publication of materials in the Journals on Physics in
Physics, World of Physics, Science (BG), ABC- Bulgaria,
(P. Lazarova, Teodosiev)
Contacts with the museums in London and Munich with biggest expositions on physics in Europe: aim organization of exhibitions on physics in Bulgaria (Teodosiev, CERN - M. Mateev, ESO - M. Tsvetkov)
Contemporary presentation of PoS evens in Bulgaria in the Journal on Physics (Ch. Popov)
Varna Observatory Media Activities:
- Maintaining regular rubrics about physics and
astronomy in the local newspapers
- Periodical Physics on Stage TV and radio emissions
in the local broadcasting stations
- Showing popular scientific TV films
- Radio and TV astronomy and physics competitions.
3.1 Websites dedicated on POS_2000 - Bulgaria
National website PoS Bulgaria January 2000 (M. Tsvetkov,
G. Borisov)
Started from January 23, 2000, http://www. skyarchive.org/PoS_2000
Varna Astronomical Observatory (I. Ivanov, G. Borisov)
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